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Our aim is to help you understand the various aspects of pension planning and to encourage better savings and personal finances. snapshot pensions is focused on providing you with key information about pensions to allow you to understand certain key aspects that may affect how much money you have when you retire.  Articles found here should not be deemed as personal advice.

Should you have any questions relating to any of the information featured here, please contact us at


How has COVID-19 affected retirement plans?

Attitudes and aspirations of this year’s retirees The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted on every aspect of our lives, affecting individuals’ financial situation and for many, their plans for retirement. If you are approaching retirement in the next 12 months, your plans should be under continuous review. We take a look at new research which has highlighted the attitudes and…
8 September 2021

Plan the perfect retirement

Creating a comfortable, secure retirement takes care and forethought. If you’re 10 to 15 years from retirement, you’re probably starting to think more about how you’ll spend your life after work. You might be contemplating travelling more, dedicating more time to your passions, or enjoying more free time with your family. However, are you concerned the idea of a financially…
30 August 2021

Protect Yourself from Pension Scams

Understanding the warning signs to keep your money safe. Being online more means criminals have a greater opportunity to approach unsuspecting victims with their scams. Online scams can have a devastating financial and emotional impact on victims. Pension scammers are bombarding the public with scam calls, texts and emails and it can be easy to fall victim to such a…
23 August 2021

Pension Tax Relief

27% of people surveyed did not know how it worked. To encourage saving for retirement, the government pays tax relief on pension contributions. This means that your pension provider can claim tax back from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and add that amount to each contribution you make. But this fundamental aspect of pensions remains a mystery to many people…
16 August 2021

Pension Freedoms

Looking for a wider choice of investment options? Saving for your retirement is one of the longest and biggest financial commitments you will ever make. Imagine you’re retiring today. Have you thought about how you’re going to financially support yourself (and potentially your family too) with your current pension savings? The pension freedoms introduced in 2015 provide even more of…
9 August 2021

Mind the Divorce Gap

Women see incomes fall by 33% following divorce, compared to just 18% for men. Divorce is an emotionally charged event – and can be an expensive one. The financial impact of divorce can also last for decades and carry on into older age. Women are also often impacted harder financially by divorce, new research highlights. Many women are likely to…
2 August 2021

Pension Boost

Are you claiming all of the generous tax relief you’re entitled to? The unique combination of tax breaks and flexible access available to pensions make them a compelling choice when saving for retirement. One of the key benefits of saving into a pension rather than another type of savings or investment vehicle is the generous tax relief you’re entitled to…
26 July 2021

Pension Lifetime Allowance

Do you need to take action to avoid risking additional tax charges in retirement? When it comes to your pension, you might assume that the more that you can save into it, the better. But that’s not always the case. Once your pension savings reach a certain level, you may need to take action to avoid risking additional tax charges…
19 July 2021

Money’s Too Tight to Mention

Looking to retire from work, not a paycheck? When it comes to retirement insecurity, one concern dominates all others, the fear of running out of money during retirement and with people living longer than ever before, it’s a very valid concern. A new report reveals how two-thirds (66%) of adults planning to retire this year risk running out of money.…
12 July 2021